인물작업 - 알파 12 FPS & IQ3 100MP
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작성자케이피유어스 작성일 19-03-29 13:10 조회 3,555회02.2016 - Combining the ALPA 12 FPS with modern CMOS backs like the new PhaseOne IQ3 100MP opens up new horizons in portrait photography: Due to the astonishing live-view focusing is very straight-forward, fast and reliable. The build in focal-plane-shutter of the ALPA 12 FPS allows it to use a huge variety of different lenses, from vintage gems to top-modern constructions.
Product Pages
ALPA 12 FPS Lens Module CONTAX 645 shift
ALPA 12 FPS Lens Module CONTAX 645 fix
Zeiss Contax 645 Sonnar T* 2.8/140 mm
Carl Zeiss Contax 645 Sonnar T* 2.8/140mm
For these photographs the ALPA 12 FPS was paired with a Carl Zeiss Contax 645 Sonnar T* 2.8/140mm originally developped for the famous CONTAX 645 line of medium format cameras. This “old glass” may not be 100% at eye level in terms of corner sharpness but still offers an incredible resolution mid-field. The combination of top corner-sharpness, the good correction of chromatical aberrations (both lateral und longitudinal) and not least the very pleasing bokeh makes this lens a perfect choice for portrait work.
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Sample Image 1 CZ Sonnar 140 - IQ3 100MP ©ALPA/Ralph Rosenbauer 2016
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Sample Image 2 CZ Sonnar 140 - IQ3 100MP ©ALPA/Ralph Rosenbauer 2016
Canon EF 85mm f1.2 L II USM
If you want to achieve an “ultra-narrow” depth of field you may try to use very fast 35mm-lenses on the medium-format backs. Still the 100% view of the IQ3 100MP allows precise focusing. The narrow image circle of the 35mm lenses will produce well-visible vignetting and a strong drop in resolution at the outermost edges. But in portrait-photography both effects can even underline your intention by emphasizing the main subject of your images. In this case the Canon EF 85mm f1.2 L II USM was used full open (f/1.2!) to create an “vintage look” with strong background separation. Rather pronounced chromatical aberration and strong purple fringing call for a lot of post-processing – or a black and white conversion ;-)
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Sample Image Canon 85 - IQ3 100MP ©ALPA/Ralph Rosenbauer 2016
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